Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Great TEDTalk

As a member of the social media team of TEDxJacksonville, I spend a lot of time watching TEDTalk videos to promote on our pages. Well, as a result, I have accumulated a very long list of "favorite" TED moments. But this TEDTalk by Jerri Arrington, Wearing Nothing New, particularly sticks out to me because the speaker and I have a lot in common. 

I am a shopaholic obsessed with great finds and this is the TED Talk for me! It's a meditation on conscious consumption -- wrapped in a rainbow of color and creativity. Jessi Arrington discusses the environmental reasons for thrifting (that and the fact that it is a blast). Ms.Arringon describes thrifting as her "treasure hunt."

Jessi Arrington delivered a TEDTalk in June 2011. This is a fantastic TEDTalk and without a doubt my favorite. Jessi Arrington is an engaging speaker with a quirky personality. I had never considered clothing to be environmentally friendly/unfriendly.

To iterate her Talk, Jessi tells the audience about her travel habits. She goes into detail about her suitcase and what it contains: 7 pairs of underwear and nothing else! She set out for the TED event with no outfits planned. Instead, she went to thrift stores, purchased items, created outfits, wore them, and then re-donated before she left for her journey home! 

This TEDTalk makes a good point, that our wardrobe can be somewhat unkind to mother nature. I looked into this a bit more and found that she is not the only individual to consider the ramifications of their wardrobe, Helen Mirren also shops at thrift stores and than re-donates.

Jessi Arrington also has a blog that I now follow! Lucky So and So: Observations of a color-loving Brooklyn Designer.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm like Ms Arrington. A minimalist. Being a minimalist keeps my mind happier and more creative.
